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Underground Storage Tanks

As mandated by federal and state legislation, EPI will provide services associated with the evaluation and design of UST system upgrades, removals and replacements. As UST owners are forced to close or upgrade existing UST systems, EPI is qualified to provide UST closure assessments, subsurface investigations and remediation system design services.

EPI is prepared to assist UST owners/operators with regulatory compliance and liability management. By assessing the condition of existing systems, EPI can provide informed recommendations for future tank management strategies that focus entirely on regulatory compliance and limiting the owners liabilities regarding proposed system upgrades.

EPI provides the following services to our UST clients:

  • UST Closures (Removals/In-Place)
  • Closure Assessments
  • Ground Water/Soil Investigations
  • Risk-Based Corrective Action Studies
  • Remedial Design
  • System Upgrade Design

©2009 Environmental Professionals Inc.