RCRA services
Solid waste
storage tanks
Brownfields/voluntary cleanups
Due diligence services
Livestock waste permitting
Storm water
Ground water/soil remediation
Habitat/Wildlife Management
Links and Resources
Brownfields / Voluntary Cleanups

EPI clients are individuals and corporations who are interested in encouraging community growth through increasing property value, tax base and employment while limiting the liability from the contaminated property. We assist our clients to locate, assess and remediate such environmentally impaired property.

EPI employees are trained individuals who apply a risk-based approach to develop site-specific cleanup goals for contaminated properties that are mutually agreeable to the federal, state and third-party interests. This approach allows our clients to make remediation decisions based on a calculated risk of contaminant impact to human health or the environment from direct or indirect exposure pathways as opposed to arbitrary cleanup goals commonly published and enforced by federal and state agencies.

EPI assists with the rehabilitation of contaminated property to maximize its usefulness and restore its value. EPI helps buyers and sellers of contaminated property understand potential liabilities and risks, and complete fair and equitable property transactions. For property owners undertaking contaminated property rehabilitation projects, we can assist with the assessment of alternatives and help optimize project plans.

The following approaches to services provided by EPI have emerged as necessities in real estate transactions:

  • Limit Third Party Liability
  • Focus on End-Use/Redevelopment
  • Perform Site Investigation/Remedial Design
  • Perform Risk-Based Corrective Actions

©2009 Environmental Professionals Inc.